Passivhaus Cafe
The Thames Valley Park (TVP) Enlivenment Project comprises 5 new pavilions each providing a different shared amenity use at the heart of the business park, located within 2 miles of Reading town centre.
The Cafe pavilion is the second of these pavilions to be designed and will provide a Passivhaus café, welcome centre, flexible event and seminar space and WC facilities for tenants and visitors to Thames Valley Park and the Thames Valley Nature Reserve.
This pavilion is proposed in the location of an existing security hut and parking area and will include an external seating area in the adjacent wooded area.
The main objectives are:
+ To provide a welcoming and attractive building to mark the entrance to Thames Valley Park.
+ To attract tenants from the various campuses on TVP, encouraging them to leave their workplaces and come together in shared spaces for food/drink, knowledge sharing through organised seminars, and socialising.
+ To provide a building that respects and opens out to the adjacent nature reserve.
+ To introduce planting that has a different character to the park-wide planting and defines key areas for activation as well as enhancing biodiversity.
Client: Aletheia TVP
Landscape design: to-studio
Structures: Whitby Wood
MEP and Passivhaus: Inside-Outside Engineering
Civil engineering: Lewis Hubbard
CGIs: Marvin Chik Studios
Studio Multi team: Nicola Rutt, Rasmus Pikk, Chanel Kuo, Wei Lim